Pitkä tauko takana tämän blogin kirjoittamisen suhteen. Mutta eipä tuo tauko pahitteeksi ollut, sillä vähän kaikenlaista on tapahtunut ja sattunut tässä välissä.
Viimeisen kirjoituksen jälkeen olen ehtinyt tehdä opintoja eteenpäin, käydä KTO2 kurssi ja nyt kohta KTO-koe läpi, ehtinyt tehdä töitä kesällä liikennepuistossa ja kuvata paljon, sekä olen ollut taas yövalvojana rippileireillä, vaikka olen vannonut monesti etten enään tule tekemään yökön hommia. Aloitin myös uuden blogin jossa kerron aina silloin tällöin koulu ja työhommia mitä olen ehtinyt tehdä.
Valokuvauksen saralla olen alkanut vihdoin kuvaamaan timelapse kuvausta, mutta edelleen olen enemmänkin kiinnostunut mallikuvauksesta, mitä aikoinaan inhosin. Myös videoiden kuvaaminen on alkanut olemaan yksi pääsääntöisistä hommistani tuon kameran kanssa.
Nykyisin opintojen saralla työhöni kuuluu opinnäytetyön ja projektityön tekoa kansainvälisen toiminnan kehittämisen suhteen Nuorisokeskus Syöttellä, siis siellä missä aikoinani (2012) aloitin ensimmäisen kerran tekemään harjoittelua seikkailukasvatukseen. Mutta mikäs siinä. Vapaa-ajat saan viettää rinteissä ja tähtiä tuijottaessa. Myös muiden asioiden, kuten jousiammunnan ohjaamista saan nykyisin tehdä mielin määrin ja sehän vasta kivaa on :)
Mutta ainut asia mikä itseäni nykyisin ärsyttää on tämä tietokoneella oleskelun määrä, sillä työni on tietokoneella asiakirjojen ja hakemusten tekoa, samoin opiskelun puolella tietokone on ainut väline mitä käytän. Myös valokuvauksen puolella joutuu aikaa viettämään yllättävän paljon koneen ääressä. Mutta onneksi vastapainona tietokoneella oleskeluun olen ottanut salilla käynnit. Tavoitteenani on käydä kolmekertaa viikossa salilla, jotta ylesikunto ei heikkenisi enempää. Mutta tässäkin on nyt tullut muutamaan kertaan parinviikon paussi, kiitos kuuluu sairastumisille.
Mutta toivottavasti kesää kohde pääsee useammin käymään salilla. Ja kesästä puheen ollen, pääsin taas tekemään yökön hommia. Mutta muuten kesä taitaa mennä aikalailla kouluhommien parissa. Jos sitä vaikka kerran pääsisi reissaamaan etelä-Suomeen, joko Turkuun tai Helsinkiin, tai molempiin. Sitten syksystä pitäisi taas suunnata nokka kohti Helsinkiä, sillä Lindsey Stirling tulee esiintymään siellä. Tietenkin kamera mukaan keikalle mentäessä tulee olla :P Ja toivonmukaan tulen saamaan todella hyviä kuvia.
Kipen elämää sanoin ja kuvin
tiistai 15. huhtikuuta 2014
maanantai 24. joulukuuta 2012
Christmas eve. 24.12.2012
The End of the World has gone by and we are still living. So Mayas were wrong about world ending at 21.12.2012. And now we are heading to Christmas eve.
This is first time that I won't be with my family at Christmas. Feels really weard to spent Christmas this way, but this won't be the last time. And I'll have really good opportunity to see different kind of Christmas than what we spend at our home at Finland. Back at IT Tralee I was invited to spend Christmas eve at one of my course mate home. So I accepted that and now I'm going to there.
At January I have only two test left and then school is over. And I'm also free to go back to home, but I decided to stay couple more days at here for to be able to see Dublin better. And when I get to home, then I have lots of photos to show to my family and friends. And ofcourse I need to write report about my exchange time. That will take some time, but that's not impossible thing to do.
Now when I'm starting to think about this exchange time at here Tralee, it has been rich and good, if we don't count that how many times I have been sick at this half year. But still. I have learned lots of new things while staying at here and I think that my English skill has improved somehow, at least I can speak much easier English now than before. Also from school I have gained some different kind of knowledge that I wasn't able to get back at college. Like Community Management knowledge, which has improved much. Also I have learned more things about photography, thanks to Photography course and ITT Photography Society.
Ofcourse I can't forget to mention about people who I have met at here. Huge variety of different kind of people, including those who share interest photography and airsoft, and also other erasmus students. Even thou I haven't been partying as much as other students, I have had my own changes to meet them and talk with them, either at school or at Freshers Week parties where I was taking photos for ITT Student Union.
Now when I think back at those days when I was unsure that was it good idea to apply for this erasmus program, now I can say for sure that it was really good idea even thou I had my own doubts about this time. It's not so different compared to that time when I moved to live alone. Only thing what was different was that everything was in English. And that it was really hard to get good rye bread from here. But now near the end I found one shop from Tralee that has rye flour. Would have been better if I would have found that earlier, but can't help.
The End of the World has gone by and we are still living. So Mayas were wrong about world ending at 21.12.2012. And now we are heading to Christmas eve.
This is first time that I won't be with my family at Christmas. Feels really weard to spent Christmas this way, but this won't be the last time. And I'll have really good opportunity to see different kind of Christmas than what we spend at our home at Finland. Back at IT Tralee I was invited to spend Christmas eve at one of my course mate home. So I accepted that and now I'm going to there.
At January I have only two test left and then school is over. And I'm also free to go back to home, but I decided to stay couple more days at here for to be able to see Dublin better. And when I get to home, then I have lots of photos to show to my family and friends. And ofcourse I need to write report about my exchange time. That will take some time, but that's not impossible thing to do.
Now when I'm starting to think about this exchange time at here Tralee, it has been rich and good, if we don't count that how many times I have been sick at this half year. But still. I have learned lots of new things while staying at here and I think that my English skill has improved somehow, at least I can speak much easier English now than before. Also from school I have gained some different kind of knowledge that I wasn't able to get back at college. Like Community Management knowledge, which has improved much. Also I have learned more things about photography, thanks to Photography course and ITT Photography Society.
Ofcourse I can't forget to mention about people who I have met at here. Huge variety of different kind of people, including those who share interest photography and airsoft, and also other erasmus students. Even thou I haven't been partying as much as other students, I have had my own changes to meet them and talk with them, either at school or at Freshers Week parties where I was taking photos for ITT Student Union.
Now when I think back at those days when I was unsure that was it good idea to apply for this erasmus program, now I can say for sure that it was really good idea even thou I had my own doubts about this time. It's not so different compared to that time when I moved to live alone. Only thing what was different was that everything was in English. And that it was really hard to get good rye bread from here. But now near the end I found one shop from Tralee that has rye flour. Would have been better if I would have found that earlier, but can't help.
sunnuntai 9. joulukuuta 2012
Now it's December. And with that it is only getting closer and closer to go back to home.
Writing this blog has been kinda frozen because I haven't had anything new or really special happening at here for while. But I have learned some new stuff, specially about photography, and learning Youth work and Community work has been going on all the time. Specially I have liked this Community Management course. I have learned new things and most of those classes has been really interesting. Only course which isn't so interesting is English 7 itself. But while studying at classes I have had also some time to draw some pictures and also to work on couple ideas for short film/photo shoot.
Writing this blog has been kinda frozen because I haven't had anything new or really special happening at here for while. But I have learned some new stuff, specially about photography, and learning Youth work and Community work has been going on all the time. Specially I have liked this Community Management course. I have learned new things and most of those classes has been really interesting. Only course which isn't so interesting is English 7 itself. But while studying at classes I have had also some time to draw some pictures and also to work on couple ideas for short film/photo shoot.
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Drawing something at class |
Couple days ago I had change to take photos of my friend cats. It was fun time while we messed with flash and with cats. P.S. No of these cats were hurt while taking these photos.
To get right timing and good focus at these photos was really hard, well because my lens doesn't have auto focus on it so had to focus everything by hand.
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Toying with toy. Loki. |
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Sneaky |
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Close up photo |
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Is it real or trick photo? You decide |
tiistai 13. marraskuuta 2012
After long time for not updating my blog, I have finally time to do something for this. First CA's has been and now I just need to write two CA's at home. After that I have to read again for up coming test and I need try to enjoy and have some nice trips.
Time flies past by really fast. It still feels like I just came to here, but in the end over half of my time has gone by. The whole exchange has been really good and lot has happened. First CA's has been done and results are in, and have to say that those went well. But still. I have had fun at here.
Two month left for me. Going to see Galway soon and I have to make couple photo projects for my study. Subjects are interesting for project and I have already some ideas for those. Also meanwhile staying at here I have try to find one youth group for my project work. Otherwise I have to make my project again after one year.
Time flies past by really fast. It still feels like I just came to here, but in the end over half of my time has gone by. The whole exchange has been really good and lot has happened. First CA's has been done and results are in, and have to say that those went well. But still. I have had fun at here.
Two month left for me. Going to see Galway soon and I have to make couple photo projects for my study. Subjects are interesting for project and I have already some ideas for those. Also meanwhile staying at here I have try to find one youth group for my project work. Otherwise I have to make my project again after one year.
perjantai 12. lokakuuta 2012
Baking at Tralee.
Good way to spend time for me other than taking photos and writing school stuff is to bake. Up until now I have baked chocolate cake/squares and now pancake. Also I'm going to bake bread. Hopefully it will taste good.
Chocolate cake/squares tasted good. Sadly frosting wasn't good. It didn't stay on and it did stick to everything else. But it still tasted good. There was a lot to eat. But it didn't last long.
Now I'm baking pancake and lets hope that it will be good. Can't be sure because this will be my first time to make one. But all I can do now is hope that it'll be good. First one didn't look too good. It was half hollow and now when the second one is at oven I hope that it won't be as hollow as the first is.
The bread might have to wait for tomorrow. Still not sure if I will do it now but it seems like today isn't good day to bake anything. At least that is if I believe my first pancake try. Crossing fingers for second one. If it's good, then I'll do that bread also. Not going to make as it suggested on package, but going to make my own bread.
At Sunday I'll head to Limerick. At there our school Airsoft society will have game and I'll be taking photos whole time. Or videos. But I won't play because I didn't take my airsoft guns with me to here. Still I think that we will have good day incoming. Just hoping that it won't start to rain at then. But if it does then it will rain. Usual weather at here.
Next week will be interesting.
Chocolate cake/squares |
Now I'm baking pancake and lets hope that it will be good. Can't be sure because this will be my first time to make one. But all I can do now is hope that it'll be good. First one didn't look too good. It was half hollow and now when the second one is at oven I hope that it won't be as hollow as the first is.
The bread might have to wait for tomorrow. Still not sure if I will do it now but it seems like today isn't good day to bake anything. At least that is if I believe my first pancake try. Crossing fingers for second one. If it's good, then I'll do that bread also. Not going to make as it suggested on package, but going to make my own bread.
At Sunday I'll head to Limerick. At there our school Airsoft society will have game and I'll be taking photos whole time. Or videos. But I won't play because I didn't take my airsoft guns with me to here. Still I think that we will have good day incoming. Just hoping that it won't start to rain at then. But if it does then it will rain. Usual weather at here.
Pancake and cream |
Pancake |
Pancake with cream |
maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2012
Three weeks at Ireland. It has been realy busy and fun thought littlebit depressing time. But I hope that rest of my time at here would be good.
Now that my school has started to roll much better than at first week, which still was only two weeks ago, I think that my life will be much easier than up untill now. I'm still bit confused because of school timetablet. It's so much different from what I have used to but it's not impossible. At last week weekend I went to see nearby mountains or hills, what ever you call but to me hills, and I had fun time at there. While I was biking and walking at there I saw couple horses and one of them came towards me. It was realy weard to see horse at there, but don't think that in the end it wasn't so weard because there is stable nearby. It too couple of minutes for me to get pass by it because this horse didn't let me to go on. It did always come infront of me and started to stare. Couple times it even tried to take my hat but luckily it didn't manage to get it.
After I managed to continue my trip to up again I decided to go out of this small track. It wasn't very good idea, now that I think of it afterwards. Land at there was realy soft and wet. Also there are few small rivers or streams. But in the end I got up to top of hill and view from there was amazing. I took one panorama photo from top but I haven't had any working programs for editing the photo. And I haven't had time to edit it by had with photoshop. But when I get it done, I'll add it to this post again so.
The way down was fun. Downhill biking at rock and mud was realy fun, thought the bike itself isn't made for that. Faster you went, more force it took to keep bike going straight. I think that it would have been littlebit easier if that bike have had front suspension. But when I got back to Blennerville it was already evening. View to ocean was beautiful and I tried to capture that moment in photo. But not sure if I managed at that.
Last week has been hard. I caught cold and after it started to effect to my life at wednesday I alerady had fever. So last week I haven't done almost anything else than just sleeping. Towards end of the week it started to annoy me because I could go out and take pictures at all. I didn't have any energy left and all I could do at that time was just to read my school stuff. Lucky that I was ill, because if I wouldn't have been ill then I wouldn't have time to read all of those. But at saturday I went out because I had to have some fresh air, and because the weather was so beautifull at that time. I went to bike again and went near old steamrailway. After about twenty minutes I arrived to Lidl and from there I found rye bread. FINALY! I have been missing it so much and now I finaly found it. Ofcourse I had to buy it and now I have been eating it only. Lidl is really life saver for Finnish exchange student at here. Or at least my life saver.
But now I'm already waiting for next weekend. At next Saturday we are going to Ring of Kerry, 175km long buss trip which takes us to some nice location around County Kerry. I think that I will be taking couple photos at there and then going to post those to here. It will be my first longer trip which I'll take part. Most of our exchange student has already been on other trips, like to Cork and to Kilarney. But I think that I will be going to take couple trips around near areas/cities in these incoming months.
One thing what I miss at here is good photography shops. Or at least I haven't found any yet. There are those where you can print photos from USB stick or from memory card, but there isn't so many shops where you can print those photos to postcard. And I would like to get my own photos to postcard so that I could send them to my family and to my friends. But I just need to continue to look those. At internet there is this ifolor, but it might come too expensive to order photos to here. But I don't know yet so I have to check it. But that page is useful because you can order lots of different kind things from there, like canvas or even photo book.
Also I have ordered some new stuff for my camera. Those are new battery grip, receiver and transmitter for flash and new battery. Also I'm trying to get "new" lens which would help me to take portrait, landscape and night photos. Also this specific lens would fit to my father old SLR camera, which is Nikkormat FT2. Spec for lens are Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 manual prime lens. This one is really nice looking one, but I think that my change to get that lens is really small. If I can't get it then I have to find some other lens.
But yea. IT Tralee North Campus is nice place to study. There is sometime live music and at least those teachers which I have are nice ones. I'm studying Community management, Communications and Professional practice, Introduction to Sociology, Photography and English at here. Well, all of those classes we speak English, but this English course is helping me to learn vocabulary. Also at here we can join to some societies, and I will join at least to photography society, Airsoft society and maybe DJ society.
But I'm waiting that what this week will bring with excitement. Finally my school can start really.
Now that my school has started to roll much better than at first week, which still was only two weeks ago, I think that my life will be much easier than up untill now. I'm still bit confused because of school timetablet. It's so much different from what I have used to but it's not impossible. At last week weekend I went to see nearby mountains or hills, what ever you call but to me hills, and I had fun time at there. While I was biking and walking at there I saw couple horses and one of them came towards me. It was realy weard to see horse at there, but don't think that in the end it wasn't so weard because there is stable nearby. It too couple of minutes for me to get pass by it because this horse didn't let me to go on. It did always come infront of me and started to stare. Couple times it even tried to take my hat but luckily it didn't manage to get it.
This one was interested in me. |
"Don't mind of me. I'm just eating at here" |
After I managed to continue my trip to up again I decided to go out of this small track. It wasn't very good idea, now that I think of it afterwards. Land at there was realy soft and wet. Also there are few small rivers or streams. But in the end I got up to top of hill and view from there was amazing. I took one panorama photo from top but I haven't had any working programs for editing the photo. And I haven't had time to edit it by had with photoshop. But when I get it done, I'll add it to this post again so.
Small stream going down from hills. |
Sunset at Blennerville bridge. |
Last week has been hard. I caught cold and after it started to effect to my life at wednesday I alerady had fever. So last week I haven't done almost anything else than just sleeping. Towards end of the week it started to annoy me because I could go out and take pictures at all. I didn't have any energy left and all I could do at that time was just to read my school stuff. Lucky that I was ill, because if I wouldn't have been ill then I wouldn't have time to read all of those. But at saturday I went out because I had to have some fresh air, and because the weather was so beautifull at that time. I went to bike again and went near old steamrailway. After about twenty minutes I arrived to Lidl and from there I found rye bread. FINALY! I have been missing it so much and now I finaly found it. Ofcourse I had to buy it and now I have been eating it only. Lidl is really life saver for Finnish exchange student at here. Or at least my life saver.
But now I'm already waiting for next weekend. At next Saturday we are going to Ring of Kerry, 175km long buss trip which takes us to some nice location around County Kerry. I think that I will be taking couple photos at there and then going to post those to here. It will be my first longer trip which I'll take part. Most of our exchange student has already been on other trips, like to Cork and to Kilarney. But I think that I will be going to take couple trips around near areas/cities in these incoming months.
One thing what I miss at here is good photography shops. Or at least I haven't found any yet. There are those where you can print photos from USB stick or from memory card, but there isn't so many shops where you can print those photos to postcard. And I would like to get my own photos to postcard so that I could send them to my family and to my friends. But I just need to continue to look those. At internet there is this ifolor, but it might come too expensive to order photos to here. But I don't know yet so I have to check it. But that page is useful because you can order lots of different kind things from there, like canvas or even photo book.
Also I have ordered some new stuff for my camera. Those are new battery grip, receiver and transmitter for flash and new battery. Also I'm trying to get "new" lens which would help me to take portrait, landscape and night photos. Also this specific lens would fit to my father old SLR camera, which is Nikkormat FT2. Spec for lens are Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 manual prime lens. This one is really nice looking one, but I think that my change to get that lens is really small. If I can't get it then I have to find some other lens.
But yea. IT Tralee North Campus is nice place to study. There is sometime live music and at least those teachers which I have are nice ones. I'm studying Community management, Communications and Professional practice, Introduction to Sociology, Photography and English at here. Well, all of those classes we speak English, but this English course is helping me to learn vocabulary. Also at here we can join to some societies, and I will join at least to photography society, Airsoft society and maybe DJ society.
But I'm waiting that what this week will bring with excitement. Finally my school can start really.
lauantai 22. syyskuuta 2012
Live at Ireland.
It has been now one week while I have been at Ireland. And lots of things has happened in that week. And lots of photos has been taken.
School at here is little bit different to HUMAK school system. But it's not too different. But I don't like to write so much so instead I put photos to here. There isn't many photos which I would like to share because I haven't had any good inspiration for photographs.
Today I was watching Fire Trail fire show at Siamsa Tíre. There was 30ft flames and the show itself was good.
It has been now one week while I have been at Ireland. And lots of things has happened in that week. And lots of photos has been taken.
School at here is little bit different to HUMAK school system. But it's not too different. But I don't like to write so much so instead I put photos to here. There isn't many photos which I would like to share because I haven't had any good inspiration for photographs.
Today I was watching Fire Trail fire show at Siamsa Tíre. There was 30ft flames and the show itself was good.
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